Find out now if your website is
ADA & WCAG Compliant.

We Help You Avoid Lawsuits
There has been a 300% increase in demand letters to
businesses whose websites are not accessible.
Recently, the DOJ affirmed that places of public accommodation
(websites) must comply with the same ADA rules for
brick and mortar businesses.
It is no longer safe to have a website without accessibility.
Get the solution now.
We have partnered with the industry leading and top ADA compliance solution software to give business owners and customers alike peace of mind when it comes to online accessibility. This particular company has never lost an ADA compliance lawsuit, and neither have any of their clients who have installed their software proactively.
This particular compliance software service provides:
ADA, WCAG 2.1 Level AA & Section 508 compliance.
An accessibility statement and certification of performance.
Ongoing maintenance involving a re-scan of your site every 24 hours

What’s the pricing?
The cost for this software is $99/mo plus a one time set up fee of $150. Or, pay just $995 annually. You save $193/year and the set-up fee is waived.
This simple yet elegant solution is far less expensive than dealing with a demand letter and the legal costs associated with painful lawsuits. Protect yourself today and sign up for your ADA compliance software now!